Sunday, March 13, 2005


Yeast roll envy

It had to happen. A date and I were sitting in a casual dining restaurant the other day. The waiter was great. My date seemed pleased with our choice of locale and her choice of dining companions. We talked about everything and we talked about nothing. We laughed and chatted. Still something wasn't just right. The food came, we gave thanks and went to town . It was a good time for all. Then, I went and did it. I reached over and grabbed one of the big fat yeast rolls dolloped with the honey butter topping. "These are good!" I exclaimed, offering up the basket of sin to her. "I am doing Atkins" she said quietly, but firmly. "What?" I asked pretending not to understand. "I am doing the Atkins Diet, I can't have Carbs"Suddenly, I felt like the worst form of tempter who ever tooted a temptation. It was strange dichotomy because. . . . . Wanna know something else? I felt empowered. I pretended not to enjoy the hot starch melting in my mouth apologizing for my obvious faux pas. But inwardly, I knew she had already undressed the extra butter packages and with out so much as a second thought mentally devoured the bread and cried for more. I could sense the strong feelings she had but tried so hard to conceal. Finally, she came clean. "I'm sorry", she said to her chagrin, "but these things are my weakness, please understand. ""And, you might as well know" I come here in disguise at least three nights a week and order a dozen to go. On the other nights, its Krispy Kreme!I have been living a double life!" She sobbed into the baked dough like she was confessing a discovered lover. "And to tell you the truth, I am glad! glad! I am glad you know it . . . "I couldnt make out the rest of the conversation. She was still eating the rolls and calling for more butter long after I had paid the check and went out the door. Sometimes, you never know, do you?


At 8:56 PM, Blogger VERBPOWER said...

A comment-
Poor Doc Atkins, he lies molding in the grave while more dough is rising!

At 9:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

YEAST ROLL ENVY is more widespread than I ever knew.
I have to keep investigating this
rising phenomena..

At 9:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too strange for comments!

At 9:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dano? I thought your name was Franklin from SC. Well, all I have to say is that God gave you an amazing talent for writing and a great sense of humor..Way to go..can't relate to the yeast roll envy...but the story did make me laugh. Dragica Motic

At 12:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what you're sayin' is that there was this lovely, demure young lady who is in a quest to be the best she can be, someone that any man would be proud to be seen with; and you take evil delight in tempting and taunting her with each bite. I can envision you sitting across from her with your claim of trying to not enjoy be enjoying them, but the flush in your cheeks and the dialation of your eyes as you savored each melting bite told the real story. And were you willing to push aside your fulfillment of momentary pleasure (both in the rolls and the delight of her inner struggle)to show support of her efforts of self-improvement? I THINK NOT! MAY GOD JUDGE YOU ACCORDINGLY FOR THE CELLULITE ON HER BACKSIDE!

Oh, yeah. Um, could I have the address of that restaurant?

At 12:52 PM, Blogger VERBPOWER said...

i think it was a Chili's or a Applebee's wanna be....
Thanks for reading...There are more stories in the saga.

At 10:46 AM, Blogger Jason Fletcher said...

Ha! I love it. Keep up the witty writing. More verbs, less ads.


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